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  2. Informationen zur Entwickler-API
  3. Autovervollständigen FR

Autovervollständigen FR

Autocomplete a French address.

Hinweis: Dies ist die Dokumentation für die v2-API, die sich noch im Beta-Stadium befindet.

In case you don't know all of the required parameters, you can use the suggest call to gather them first.

If the input identifies a unique address, all available information about said address is returned.

  • To validate if an address has either a streetNumber or a Premise, query through the streetNumberAndPremise field.
  • To validate if an address exists with a certain streetnumber, use the streetNumber field.
  • To validate if an address exists with a certain premise, use both the streetNumber and premise fields.
  • Either streetNumberAndPremise or streetNumber is required. If both are given, only streetNumber is used.

Erforderlich Parameter

  • postalCode (string): The address's postal code which consists of five digits
  • settlement (string): The address's settlement (city, town, village, or hamlet)
  • street (string): The address's street name

Optional Parameter

  • streetNumberAndPremise (string): The address's streetnumber and premise (extension/addition)
  • streetNumber (string): The address's streetnumber
  • premise (string): The address's premise


authKey: This is the Authorization key. You have to add it as a GET parameter. Your auth key can be found on the CMS.