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  3. Suggest Germany Settlement Responses

Suggest Germany Settlement Responses

Suggest a German address.

Note: This is the documentation for the v2 API which is still in beta.

GET Example request:


This application gives the following result:

200: Settlement suggestion(s) available
    "lat": 51.0519758092123,
    "lng": 13.76432014223891,
    "municipality": "Dresden",
    "settlement": "Dresden",
    "state": "Sachsen",
    "postalCodes": [
      "01067 ",
      "01069 ",
      "01097 ",
      "01099 ",
      "01108 ",
      "01109 ",
      "01127 ",
      "01129 ",
      "01139 ",
      "01156 ",
      "01157 ",
      "01159 ",
      "01169 ",
      "01187 ",
      "01189 ",
      "01217 ",
      "01219 ",
      "01237 ",
      "01239 ",
      "01257 ",
      "01259 ",
      "01277 ",
      "01279 ",
      "01307 ",
      "01309 ",
      "01324 ",
      "01326 ",
      "01328 ",
      "01445 ",
      "01454 ",
      "01465 ",
      "01468 ",
      "01705 ",
      "01796 "

Error responses

401: Not authenticated
404: No results found