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  3. Suggestion NL settlement

Suggestion NL settlement

Suggest a Dutch address field.

Remarque : Il s'agit de la documentation de l'API v2 qui est toujours en version bêta.

This will give autocomplete suggestions for settlements.

Paramètres requis

    Paramètres optionnels

    • postalCode (string): The address's postal code in sixpp format (1000AA)
    • settlement (string): The address's settlement (city, town, village, or hamlet)
    • maxResults (integer): The amount of results returned, a number between 0 and 999.
    • cursor (string): The page to return, the variables for the next/previous pages can be found in the results Link header.


    authKey: This is the Authorization key. You have to add it as a GET parameter. Your auth key can be found on the CMS.